The Phuthu Girls share their plans for the year

Bouncing our way through 2010

The Phuthu Girls mix some words and rhythm

…this is what came up:

The Stick Women Behind

Let us introduce ourselves

Wednesday 9th Sep
Oh dear...

South African flag - How to remember what colour goes where

Some bright spark hung the South African flag the wrong way around and we have evidence. Now, before we get all uppity about this, this guy obviously wasn't having a good day - it can happen to anyone of us. Especially moa. If this happened to be [READ MORE]
Biz Tip

Accounting Golden Rule Number 4

Thus far we have learnt that every business transaction must be recorded once on the debit side (left) of an account and once on the credit side (right) of an account and that total debits must equal total credits. This week we introduce the fourth and [READ MORE]
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