The Phuthu Girls share their plans for the year

Bouncing our way through 2010

The Phuthu Girls mix some words and rhythm

…this is what came up:

The Stick Women Behind

Let us introduce ourselves

Monday 31st Aug's our thing

The Phuthu Challenge: September '09

It's National Braai Day on 24 September. Such a South African thing, I love it! And we all know that South Africans don't need a challenge to remind them to have a braai. Nope. We [READ MORE]
Friday 28th Aug
Peter de Villiers!

Peter's decision, good or bad?

Frans Steyn has been benched, he has been replaced as fullback by Ruan Pienaar. South Africa need to win one more game to cinch the Tri Nations Series. We have won every game so far. So all I can say is why. Why would you want to change a winning team? Why [READ MORE]
Good News?

Is Robert Mugabe Dying?

We've heard through the grapevine that Robert Mugabe is sick and flew to Dubai to seek help from highly experienced doctors, despite the fact that he has been quoted saying that "there is absolutely nothing wrong with Zimb [READ MORE]
Thursday 27th Aug
Share the love

When last did you date your partner?

Taking your partner on a regular date will not directly save the planet but it will definitely turn disgruntled Mary into happy Mary, which means Mary is more likely to do something good elsewhere. No-one feels like saving a whale, care whether Bella th [READ MORE]
Treat Yourself

A Day of Pampering at iNsingizi

Nestled between kranzes, rolling hills and indigenous bush not far from Eston, iNsingizi is one of the best kept secrets in KZN. If you are feeling tired and str [READ MORE]
Wednesday 26th Aug
Project Embo

Big Need, Big hearts and Cow Dung

Every week when I think that I've run dry of creative juices, then up pops yet another reason why I love this country so much. This is so not a "look-at-me-I'm-into-charity" kinda post. The focus her [READ MORE]
Biz Tip

Accounting Golden Rule Number 2

Last week we discussed the first golden rule of accounting which was about the double entry system which involves recording the effects of each transaction as debits and credits. T [READ MORE]
Tuesday 25th Aug
Coffee Bay

Chillin' in Coffee Bay

The rugged and unspoilt Wild Coast is a place of spectacular scenery. If you want a holiday miles away from the hustle and bustle of city life, the Transkei is definitely the place to go, and the small community of [READ MORE]
Who are we?

What Type of Animal are You?

I've asked the Phuthu girls a tricky question this week: What animal, found in the African bush, would best describe you and your personality? We all agreed that it was difficult to identify ourselves with just one animal. There are just s [READ MORE]
Monday 24th Aug
Sanders Life

Valley Rides and Tetanus Shots

We're on a group ride in the valley of 1000 hills and I'm riding along the dead flat road, minding my own business, taking in the scenery around me and then all of a sudden - and I really mean all of a sudden - my handlebars and Binki Bonker's handlebars a [READ MORE] 2010