The Phuthu Girls share their plans for the year

Bouncing our way through 2010

The Phuthu Girls mix some words and rhythm

…this is what came up:

The Stick Women Behind

Let us introduce ourselves

Tuesday 21st Apr
22 April 09

Nando's reminds you what you need to do tomorrow..VOTE!

Just in case you forgot what you have to do tomorrow or how to do it - Nando's makes it quite clear in this YouTube ad! [READ MORE]
Sanders Life

Every girl has gotta have a pair of red shoes!

I have never been a red shoes kind of girl but for some unexplainable reason, these shiny, kitsch, red shoes appealed to me in the same way that marshmallow Easter eggs appeal to my taste buds. I was obviously meant to have them - they had [READ MORE]
Biz Tip

Business Tip: Count to ten slowly

I get all the business advice I need, for free, from my very own business extraordinaire - my husband! He is so good at advising on business issues that friends and family even phone him to get advice.  He is pra [READ MORE]
Did you know?

For Fact's Sake

Australians consume 109.9 litres of beer per capita per annum while in South Africans consume 59.2 litres. I'm lovin' it: In 2008, a McDonald’s Big Mac Burger cost 50% more in Australia than in South Africa. [READ MORE]
� 2010