Question: What did YOU get out of the 2010 Soccer World Cup?


What did I get from this World Cup – An appreciation for soccer in general and the realisation of the enormity of the event. I don’t think I’ve ever watched a soccer world cup game in all my life up until now. And to be honest – and don’t shout at me now – I don’t think I had ever watched Bafana Bafana play up until a few weeks ago. But now I have!  …And I will be a complete supporter of the Soccer World Cup forever and ever.  I loved every minute of it.

Throughout the tournament I felt that sense of patriotism, especially when everyone got their cars kitted out with flags and window socks. At one point you could almost feel the panic in the air, the frenzy to get a flag perched on one’s window.

And contrary to many a critic, we, South Africa, pulled it off and it only can mean bigger and better things for the future…Olympics South Africa 2020? Hell yes, we can do it!!!


If I have to be brutally honest, the only soccer matches I watched were the ones at gym while riding my bike on the road to nowhere. And to my surprise I actually enjoyed it. So it’s quite obvious that the soccer itself wasn’t the highlight for me. I’m just not that into soccer. But I am very proud that we pulled it off successfully. What I loved most though was the fact that South Africans could come together, temporarily forget about all their issues and be one. Being the optimist I am, I really hope that we can continue in this mindset. We’ve burn them bra’s, now please burn those struggle songs, mkay. It brings division. We can be such an incredibly strong country if we stand together.


I was very impressed with the opening and closing ceremonies, we managed to show the world that we can put on quite a performance, yet still keep it uniquely South African. Seeing those big mama’s shaking their booty and having the best time of their lives, brought a patriotic tear to my eye. The camera work was amazing, picking up emotion rather than spectacle. Overall I thought that this was the highlight of the world cup for me.

What did I get from the world cup experience, well pride of course, South Africans were happy, they were proud of what the country had accomplished and just for a short time we forgot about everything else, all the negativity and problems that we faced from day to day.  We finally achieved what this country had been striving for all along, which can best be described in this famous extract from a very famous song “Sounds the call to come together and united we shall stand, let us live and strive for freedom, oh South Africa our land”. All we can hope for now is that we can continue in this light and not scuttle back into the dark.

Ayoba South Africa, you did well.

Let us know what YOU got from this amazing event and whether you are still waving your flag.