Friday 23rd Oct
Tasty Recipe!

Pap en Sous Recipe

Traditional South African recipe – pap en sous, is loved by millions of South Africans. Consisting mainly of maize meal water and salt although other ingredients can be added if desired. Best enjoyed with boerewors and accompanied with a tomato and onion relish (sous). A tasty treat for any braai lover.

Ingredients for Mielie Pap:

  • 500 ml water
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 3 cups maize meal


  1. Boil the water in a large pot
  2. Add the salt
  3. Add the maize meal slowly
  4. Mix well until mixture is smooth in consistency
  5. Cover and simmer on a low heat for 30 – 40 min, stirring occasionally

Ingredients for the Sous – Tomato Relish:

  • 3 onions chopped
  • 3 tomatoes chopped
  • 250 ml tomato sauce
  • 80 ml vinegar
  • 80 ml Worcestershire sauce
  • 30 ml sugar
  • 125 ml water
  • 1/2 tsp dry English mustard powder
  • Salt and Pepper to taste


  1. Sauté the onions and tomatoes till tender
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients to the mix
  3. Cook for 5 minutes
  4. Add Maizena to thicken if desired.

4 Responses to “Pap en Sous Recipe”

  1. Bernhard says:

    To get the special Zulu pot taste with its slightly burnt undertone, one should fry one part of the pap in a heavy iron pan with hardly any fat, until it starts getting a little brown. Mix this with the rest, and one has a virtual zulu pot taste!

  2. fiona says:

    THe quantity of water and pap is wrong . I was cooking for a large crowd and 1.5 kg pap required 5 l water and it was rock hard . i can’t seem to find the right quantities

  3. Editor says:

    Fiona, recipes tend to be more tricky when you increase quantities to make larger portions, you will therefore need to monitor the mix more carefully, if you find that the pap is too dry, then add more water, add more maize meal if the mix is too wet. But the trick is to stir and monitor the cooking process. The fact that your end result was rock hard would indicate there was not enough stirring involved. Also be careful about converting measurements to a different unit if you don’t have the exact weight to volume ratio i.e a cup of rice will have a different weight to that of a cup of flower.

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