Nope, my man didn’t make his plane trip to the Alps yesterday. The poor guy is coughing up yellow, reddy, greeny, amoebic, morph-like looking things. Yup, I did a phlegm inspection this morning. Actually let’s re-phrase that, I was summoned to the bathroom to have a look at a little family of morphs, perched on my pristine white basin. I looked at them in awe and commented on how jellified they looked. Sorry, I really hope that you’re not about to have breakfast right now?

I’m devastated for him but he seems to be taking it well. And how I know this is that he’s already asked if I will do the race with him next year.  Can you believe it? The Adventures of Camel Toe and Hungry Bum in the Alps….

But today is a happy day! Today is my man’s birthday, Happy Birthday hun!

cupcake-border-jem1And with that, comes cupcakes! Tasty chocolatey cupcakes.