Comments on: What 3 tips would you give to students? This is what we said.. Stay Phut, Don't Go! We Love South Africa Wed, 08 Jun 2011 06:05:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jo Jo Tue, 08 Sep 2009 10:07:12 +0000 My ideas run along the same lines as yours... 1) Have a heart Make sure all your products, whether personal (make up, body lotion, shampoo etc.) or household (cleaners and the like), are animal-friendly. If they're not, chances are you're supporting companies who exploit and abuse animals. 2) Use your initiative and make an effort-don't be lazy! Recycling is so easy. Paper, glass, tins and plastic (including polystyrene) are all recyclable. Find a depot and use it. 3) Find your chivalry Be a rescuer, not a killer. Check for little black ants in your kettle before you make your milo. If they're in there, save them! Wrestle the locust from your feline's jaws, even if it is the third one that week. And leave the vervet monkeys alone to play in your garden. (But close your kitchen windows). We invaded "creature territory", they didn't invade ours. My ideas run along the same lines as yours…

1) Have a heart

Make sure all your products, whether personal (make up, body lotion, shampoo etc.) or household (cleaners and the like), are animal-friendly. If they’re not, chances are you’re supporting companies who exploit and abuse animals.

2) Use your initiative and make an effort-don’t be lazy!

Recycling is so easy. Paper, glass, tins and plastic (including polystyrene) are all recyclable. Find a depot and use it.

3) Find your chivalry

Be a rescuer, not a killer. Check for little black ants in your kettle before you make your milo. If they’re in there, save them! Wrestle the locust from your feline’s jaws, even if it is the third one that week. And leave the vervet monkeys alone to play in your garden. (But close your kitchen windows). We invaded “creature territory”, they didn’t invade ours.
